Gone are the days when you had to brave the prevalent weather to reach a polling station ...
stand in a queue, figure out whether your name is on the voters list, hope that no one will come and mount an armed attack on the polling booth and pray that no one will decide to blow up a cycle bomb next to the queue in an effort to "undermine the democratic process" or to express their disillusionment with the current system.
All you have to do is sit in the comfort of your home ... or the hotspot at starbucks ... or whatever establishment you happen to patronize, come to my blog, look to the right side bar ... and vote :)
Yes ladies and gentlemen! Announcing the first poll on this site! Please feel free to vote.
One vote per person... and 6 days to go!!!
I really don't want to talk about a certain jail sentence of 2.5 years that was nullified by a certain president in a certain country here ... though given all the talk about voting and hence politics, one cannot help but think about it!
ReplyDeleteI voted no. I liked the previous one much much better. This is way too tiny-to-read-microscopic-font.
bad bad