Saturday, December 09, 2006

et tu brute ....

then fall Caesar.

betrayal ....

It does not matter how many times or how often you are betrayed ... it never gets any easier to take. As Shakespeare had Mark Antony quote ... it remains the unkindest cut of all.

And so Caesar fell ... but I don't suppose he had much options then.

What makes man so different from most other animals is the ability to put that space between a stimuli and the corresponding reaction. So what do you do when you are betrayed? Do you fall? or do you stand? You sit perhaps ... from the shock and the pain ... just because you do not want to do anything rash ... to try and fully comprehend the magnanimity of the situation... incongruous ...

What do you do?


  1. what do you do? Well, I feel pained, and then try to get out of it faster by getting busier everyday, everytime. And you?

  2. keeps changing ... yup getting busy helps :)
